Spring Sports
Dell D-B backhand vs. MCI
M.J. W. Shot Put MDI
Charles S. Discus MDI
Robbie B. forehand vs. Calais.
Alyssa L. pitching vs. the Narraguagus Knights.
Haven S. pitching vs. Narraguagus
Girls group at Bucksport
Boys' group at Bucksport
Layla P. gets a hit vs. Narraguagus
Dust explodes from Breton L.'s mitt.
Alexon A. at Bucksport
Andy H. at Bucksport
The 2023 boys' varsity tennis team
The 2023 GSA softball team
The 2023 GSA baseball team
The 2023 outdoor track team
Look below for photos and information about each team and results after the season is over. Current season results are on our Athletics page.