Nurse's Office
School Nurse: Katharine Fodnaess,
2024-25 Prescreening Tool for School Attendance
The goal of the GSA Nurse’s Office is to keep students healthy and safe by addressing their mental, physical, emotional, social, and health needs in order to support optimal learning.
Our school nurse accomplishes this by educating our students; promoting good health and disease prevention; organizing flu shot clinics; monitoring immunizations; administering medication; testing vision; providing first aid; training staff; updating medical charts; coordinating care; promoting infectious disease control; promoting health equity by assisting families with outside resources/services; leading the development of health policies; advocating for students; and promoting self-management of disease and optimal health.
For the 2024-25 immunization requirements letter, CLICK HERE.
If your child is ill:
Parents and guardians, if your child is ill with a fever, diarrhea, and/or vomiting, please let us know as soon as possible. You will need to keep your child at home without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours and until symptoms improve.
Please contact our school nurse between Monday - Thursday 7:45 AM - 11:45 AM at (207) 374-2808, ext. 116.
To report at any other time, please contact the main office.