Beyond the Traditional Classroom
Johnathan Crosby '23, Camaro Rebuild ISIP, Jason Billings
Ocean Studies at Springtide Seaweed in Gouldsboro. Thanks for the photo, Heather Carlisle.
Prepping for tacos in Culinary Arts. Thanks for the photo, Chef Lu.
Igloo-building in Outdoor Leadership class. Thanks for the photo, Dan Kane.
Laela Heino '24, Architecture ISIP, Elliott Architects. Thanks for the photo, Martin Conte '11.
Inspecting a lobster in Ocean Studies class. Thanks for the photo, Megan Flenniken.
Enjoying Chinese hot pot in Culinary Arts class.
Fishing in Outdoor Leadership class.
Sayer Bramblett-Williams '24 pictured and Emmett Watters '24, Outdoor Bouldering ISIP, Adelaide Brandt. Thanks for the photo, Sayer.
Making a whelk trap in Ocean Studies. Thanks for the photo, Megan Flenniken.
Makallie Jenkins '24, Equine Health ISIP.
Isaiah Zemans eating smelts in Culinary Arts (2022)
Learn more below about the great opportunities GSA students have to explore interests beyond what we teach in our traditional classes.
Go Beyond
- Alternative Courses
- Culinary Arts
- Independent Study & Internship Program
- Ocean Studies
- Outdoor Leadership
- Other Opportunities
Alternative Courses
Alternative Courses provide an opportunity for a student to take a course not offered in GSA’s regular curriculum. In consultation with the Dean of Curriculum & Instruction and a member of the GSA faculty, students design the curriculum and write a course proposal that includes a description of the course and its goals and objectives. Alternative Course proposals should be written and approved before the beginning of the semester. Alternative courses are usually taken in addition to a full academic courseload. Students may earn up to three Alternative Course credits while at GSA.
For More Info: David Stearns, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction, at
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts is a hands-on course that introduces students at least 16-years-old to the basics of kitchen work and culinary technique using a variety of teaching methods and experiences. Students learn the art of food preparation, presentation, and service. Lessons include knife skills, menu planning, basic purchasing, nutrition, careers in food service, and other topics pertaining to the hospitality industry.
Independent Study & Internship Program
Pictures from the most recent ISIP
Sayer Bramblett-Williams '24 pictured and Emmett Watters '24, Outdoor Bouldering ISIP, Adelaide Brandt. Thanks for the photo, Sayer.
Hannah Bray ’23, Lucent Neurology, Dr. Michael Aker. Thanks for the photo, Hannah.
Jack Brooks '23, Woodworking, John Brooks. Thanks for the photo, John.
Lily Jaffray '24, Large Animal Vet, Dr. Dennis Ruksznis
Phillip Ciampa '23, Painting and Drawing, Nick Patterson
Caitlin Tobey '24, Law Enforcement, Lt. Tim Cote '86
Coby Reynolds '24, Cameron Walden '24, Cameron Charette '23, Emmett Allen '24, Wyatt Allen '24 Business of Basketball Clinic, Ed Jarvis. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Johnathan Crosby '23, Camaro Rebuild ISIP, Jason Billings
Emery Leach '23, Tugboat, Doug Fournier. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Anaïs Brosset, Photography, Chek Wingo. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Ava Surgal '24, Building an Electric Bass, Matt Donovan. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Solomon Haggarty '23, Boatbuilding, Matt Tobey. Thanks for the photo, Solomon.
Jessica Dyer '24k, Climate Justice, Chrissy Beardsley Allen '98. Thanks for the photo, Chrissy.
Alexon Astbury '23, Elementary Education, Jess Conrad
Lance Kennedy '24, Boat Rebuild, Roger Kennedy. Thanks for the photo, Lance.
Tony Esposito '23, Arboriculture, Jason Lepper. Thanks for the photo, Jason.
Azaiah Nanson 2'23, Garage Building, Brian Nanson. Thanks for the photo, Azaiah.
Mattea Black '24, Book Illustration, Rebekah Raye
Makallie Jenkins '24, Equine Health ISIP.
Tommy Norgang, French Immersion. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Laela Heino '24, Architecture ISIP, Elliott Architects. Thanks for the photo, Martin Conte '11.
Kaiden Shaw '24, Mini-Chopper Restoration, Cody Taylor. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Sebastian Petrak, Politics, State Rep. Nina Milliken
Charlotte Griffith '24, North Atlantic Right Whale Research. Thanks for the photo, Natalie Griffith.
Andy Hipsky '23, Film Photography, Barry Buchanan
M.J. Wenal '23, Maddox Hutchinson '24, Kennedy Austin '24 at the Penobscot Judicial Center. Thanks for the photo, Caroline Richards.
Cyrus Blake '23, Street Photography, Chris Doyle
Jack Sullivan '23, 3D Art (Electric Dog Feeder!), James Rutter.
Danielle Callaghan '23, Victims' Rights, Annie Seifullah. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Gabriel Suarez Segovia '23, Value Investing, Nate Cole. Thanks for the photo, Adam Zemans.
Fostering a love of knowledge and instilling self-confidence are important parts of our mission, and since 1970*, our Independent Study and Internship Program (ISIP) has helped us do just that.
Many students explore careers. After “testing the waters” in a field of interest, some pursue careers in those fields, while others realize that their interests lie elsewhere. Others “go deep” into personal interests, like auto restoration, diving, glass blowing, metal fabrication, working at a nonprofit, learning about fitness, and learning to sing. Most projects take place nearby, within an hour’s drive of GSA. These students make real and valuable connections to experts who live and work in the area, many of whom are alumni.
* CLICK HERE to find out how the program began.
Ocean Studies
Students interested in marine-related careers and who benefit from a hands-on approach to learning are ideal candidates for this course. Ocean Studies includes participation in the Eastern Maine Skippers Program and other opportunities for field-based research and interaction with marine scientists, fisheries-related businesses, and policy experts.
Through the Skippers Program, students learn seamanship skills including navigation, knot tying, and boat handling; engage in scientific research processes through actual research projects; explore the business world through creating business plans; and practice public speaking so they can speak for themselves at fishing venues like Department of Marine Resources hearings. One of the many goals of this endeavor is to sustain the local fishing economy and way of life while responding to changes in the economy, climate, regulations, and technology. Travel to all-day meetings with the other schools is required, as is attendance at the Fishermen’s Forum. The program is organized by the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries.
Those interested in more focused research on the ocean environment and the organisms within it should consider the Marine Ecology Research Honors class.
Outdoor Leadership
This course is designed to enrich the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of students by utilizing a wide range of content areas and incorporating the natural resources and opportunities of the Blue Hill Peninsula, Acadia National Park, and the state of Maine.
Through class instruction and content, student journals/portfolios, guest speakers, group projects, field trips, and willingness to be pioneers in this course, students will develop their interpersonal skills, such as leadership, communication, trust building, and group problem-solving and decision-making; knowledge of a wide range of related topics; confidence and self-esteem by facing new challenges and adversity; lifelong skills, such as planning and organizing field experience, orienteering, and first aid/CPR; added purpose, relevance, connections, motivation for classroom work; and reverence for life, nature, and our role as stewards.
Structured around the seasons, each semester is independent of another. Students have the unique experience of developing the direction of the course and its content. The success of the course depends on the hard work, positive attitude, and responsibility and cooperative leadership of the class.
Faculty: Dan Kane,
Other Opportunities
Cooperative Education: Semester or year-long internships in community organizations or businesses of interest to the student.
AP4ME: Online courses taught by high school teachers throughout Maine.
College Courses: While at GSA, student can take courses offered in the University of Maine System, at Husson University, or through Maine Community College System.
Hancock County Technical Center (HCTC): Juniors and seniors can take courses part-time (afternoons or mornings) at the Hancock County Technical Center while continuing academic coursework at GSA.
Online Courses: When appropriate, GSA supports students who take online courses through programs such as those offered by BYU.
For More Info: Students should speak with their advisor or Dean of Curriculum and Instruction David Stearns to explore if and how these opportunities could supplement their learning at GSA.